The University has a well-defined rules and regulations for Examinations complying all necessary dictates led down by central and state affiliating and accrediting bodies of higher education. Since its inception, the University implemented the followings:
- The Semester based academic activities with Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) for Undergraduate (UG), Postgraduate (PG) and PhD Course Work Programmes.
- Implementation of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).
- Application of Computer based Examination Data Processing System.
Semester System
- Semester means the duration of an academic period normally consisting of six months and applies to all programs of study that are conducted in the semester system.
- There shall be two semesters in an academic year (AY) i.e., Odd Semester (July to December) and Even Semester (January to June).
- The Undergraduate degree (UG) programme i.e., BA / BSc / BCom (Honours) is of three-year duration under CBCS divided into six semesters (Sem 1 to Sem 6).
- The Undergraduate degree (UG) programme of Law i.e., BA LLB / BCom LLB (Honours) is of five-year duration under CBCS divided into ten semesters (Seme 1 to Seme 10).
- The Postgraduate degree (PG) programme i.e., MA / MSc / MCom is of two-year duration divided into four semesters (Sem 1 to Sem 4).
- The Postgraduate degree (PG) programme of Management i.e., MBA is of two-year duration divided into four semesters (Sem 1 to Sem 4).
Assessment Process
The assessment process of each semester is consisting of two distinct components, Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and End Semester Examinations (ESE).
Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
- Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) means the assessment based on continuous evaluation of students by means of written tests, assignments, seminars, tutorials, laboratory assignments, term papers etc. during an academic period.
- In general CIA comprises 20% of the total weightage of each paper. In case of MBA, CIA comprises 60% of the total weightage of each paper.
- In UG, a minimum of 50% of total CIA marks will be allotted for the written form of tests and 25% of CIA marks will be allotted to other form of tests. The rest 25% of total CIA marks are reserved for attendance.
- In PG, ordinarily a minimum of 50% of total CIA marks is allotted for the written form of tests. Remaining 50% is allotted to seminar, presentation, class participation or any other relevant classroom activity.
- In case of MBA, distribution of marks of CIA components of each paper are decided by the Board of Study (BOS) and approved by the Vice-Chancellor accordingly.
- Each department will inform the students about the CIA programme at the beginning of the semester.
End Semester Examinations (ESE)
- End Semester Examinations are to be held ordinarily at the end of the concerned Semester i.e., in the month of November and December for Odd Semester and May and June for Even Semester respectively.
- Depending upon the course requirement, the nature of the exanimations may be either theoretical, practical or combination of both.
Rules for Examinations
- Entry into the Examination Hall will be allowed only on production of Admit Card.
- No entry will be allowed 15 minutes after the commencement of examination without the written permission of Controller of Examinations. But any such permission will be given only during the first 30 minutes after commencement of the examination.
- No student will be permitted to submit the answer script before the completion of the first hour of the examination.
- Temporary exit will not be permitted before one hour from the commencement of the examination.
- No student will be allowed to keep mobile phone in his / her possession or any other electronic devices (except calculator, if permitted) during the time of examination.
- Instructions on the Admit Card / Answer booklet and other related examination rules are to be strictly followed.
- The rules for conducting examinations may be different if the examinations are held online or in blended mode of evaluation. Rules for such examination/s will be communicated separately.